Radiation Day goes to Quito

Open pit copper mining in northern Chile, photo Rodrigo Ríos Zunino

This week, I’m traveling to Quito, Ecuador to perform at the XIV Festival Ecuatoriano de Música Contemporánea.

I’ll  be performing Radiation Day on September 14, 2018, at the Teatro Variedades “Ernesto Albán”, and giving a workshop entitled “Embodied Listening” at the Academia Ecuatoriana de la lengua (AEL) Calle Cuenca N4-77 y Chile (Plazoleta de la Merced) Quito on September 13 (11-13h, 14-16h).

More info here.

Radiation Day is the first of a series of works generated from fieldwork in the northern Chilean deserts, created with collaboration from Rodrigo Ríos Zunino.

More about our fieldwork and Radiation Day in a special feature on Earlid.

Funding for my participation in the XIV Festival Ecuatoriano de Música Contemporánea provided by the Arts Research Institute of the University of California, Santa Cruz.

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