YOU- HOUR 10 (21-22 GMT) (16-17 EST) (14-15 CST) (13-14 PST)
Anna Friz (Santa Cruz) with Amy Mihyang Ginther, Cynthia Ling Lee, Gabriel Saloman
Conversations with ancestors, bodies, and ancestral selves. You. Distant and longed for, distant and beloved. You. Are changing, have changed. You. Consider all your relations.
Our performance includes sounds of archival tapes of past selves and absent family members, current generations of children and elders, bodies moving, bodies playing, and bodies experienced over distances of time and space.
12-hour online event organized by Christof Migone. First in a series of twelve annual events taking place on December 12 from noon to midnight GMT (7-7 EST, 5-5 CST, 4-4 PST). Each year the event will move through each word of the 12-word phrase you and I are water earth fire air of life and death and activate the word of the year in myriad ways. This year it all starts with you-. It always starts with you-.
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