December 7th, 2016

We are super pleased to be back in Valparaíso, Chile, for the Xth edition of Tsonami Festival de Arte Sonoro. Konrad Korabiewski and I are performing FJARÐARHEIÐI, our multi-channel audio-visual piece concerning the expressiveness of low-visibility and low-fidelity landscapes. The piece is conceived in East Iceland as a project of Skálar | Sound Art | Experimental Music.
Concerts take place on Thursday December 8, 2016 in the Teatro Parque Cultural de Valparaíso, and on Wednesday December 14, 2016 at the Centre Cultural de España.

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April 4th, 2016
FJARÐARHEIÐI is new multi-channel audiovisual performance by Konrad Korabiewski and me, which we premiered last autumn at the Festival de nouveau cinéma in Montréal. Here’s a little trailer/excerpt, featuring images from one of the two channels of photomontage which I created to accompany our live music.
Anna Friz | Konrad Korabiewski | FJARÐARHEIÐI | Festival Nouveau Cinéma Montréal | live | excerpt from Konrad Korabiewski on Vimeo.
Here’s what the performance is all about:
Using field recordings, cottage-built electronics, analogue tape and feedback systems, Friz and Korabiewski perform live, accompanied by Friz’ monochrome two-channel photo-montage. Together, they craft pensive audiovisual landscapes, strongly influenced by the extreme oscillation between daylight and darkness characteristic of life over a year on the mountainous coast just below the Arctic Circle. Fjarðarheiði is taken from the name of the 25 km mountain pass which connects the village of Seyðisfjörður to the nearest town of Egilsstaðir in eastern Iceland. On this sometimes treacherous road, the visual and acoustic environments are transformed by dense fog and snow storms, effecting a perceptual flux between white-out and black-out which leaves only an aftergrain. If afterglow refers to the light or luminescence left in the sky after sundown, aftergrain is the sonic and visual noise that remains when most other frequencies are subtracted.
Support for the development of the project comes from Canada Council for the Arts (Friz); the Danish Composer’s Society and the Danish Arts Foundation (Korabiewski). Developed as a Skálar production.
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