Traversing Flatland


I’m hurtling across the corn fields of downstate Illinois on the train at the moment, through a decidedly un-spring-like landscape that is just thinking of coming back to life after the long winter here. I’m on my way to do some work with Jay Needham, Associate Professor in the Radio, Television, and Digital Media Department at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale IL. I’ll be giving a lecture in the department tomorrow (10 April) on research creation and transmission art, entitled Radio is not a ContainerJay and I are preparing for our lecture-performance Zero Hour at Art+Communication: Fields in Riga, Latvia, in May this year. And we’ll be firing up the mics for a radio party with some grad students later this weekend. Woot!

Also coming up, a new episode of NRRF: B Radio from 11:00-14:00 (CDST, Chicago time) on 16 April, streaming and broadcasting live from the Experimental Sound Studio, Chicago, and streamed/rebroadcast by WGXC Transmission Arts, NY. The intrepid crew reunites to explore The Electric Earth.

Finally, I’ll be passing through Montreal the last week in April, so stay tuned for another collaboration by Ghost Imbiss.

Yes, that’s a bit of leftover snow on the ground.

all over the airwaves

radiussmallCurrently getting around the independent radio networks of Europe and beyond: extensive broadcasting in Ljubljana, Slovenia with radioCONA and Radio Študent in January, then some spontaneous radio making with p-node at Club Transmediale, Berlin (featuring some lovely collaborations with Jeff Kolar of Radius, Ann Rosen and Sten-Olof Hellström of Schhh, and as Ghost Imbiss with Jeff Kolar and Emilie Mouchous). Special Radius playlists including my episode 44 Radiotelegraph graced the p-node last week, and will be broadcast overnight on February 7, 2014, on the Endless Tape program of EPSILONIA Radio Libertaire, 89.4FM in Paris, France.