January 8th, 2010
When not mucking around in the snow with a microphone, I’m toiling away deep in the Nice Little Static Laboratories (possibly in my work pajamas, though rumours are unconfirmed) to produce some sounds for spring. Most pressing: dissertation chapters! And CD projects, including completing one with Eric Leonardson that we began about 2 years ago and which will include the complete suite Dancing Walls Stir the Prairies (band names also up for consideration, if y’all have good ideas), as well as putting the finishing touches on Short Horizon, which I hope to launch in March.
Meanwhile, here’s a little shot of the old antenna far above the house….. just because it’s pretty.

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September 9th, 2009

PAJ: A Journal of Performance Art (MIT Press) invited free103point9.org to contribute a special section on transmission arts. A few of us free103 regulars weighed in on the topic for issue 93, published September 2009– with Joe Milutis, myself, and Tom Roe writing about the past, present, and future of transmission art, respectively. My piece, “Transmission Art in the Present Tense” considers the much-cited legacy of Brecht in light of the emerging craft of transmission. Other contributions include Brett Ian Balogh’s FM interface-in-progress, and Lex Bhagat’s “Instructions for How to Listen to Radio”.
The transmission arts section is readable for free online, and includes some audio and projects in full colour. click here to read it all.
No Comments | In: news, research | tags: anna friz, free103point9.org, PAJ: a Journal of Performance Art, published writing, research, transmission art. | #