I am currently housed in the MuseumsQuartier cultural complex here in Vienna, as part of the international artist residency program of quartier21, on invitation of TONSPUR. Initially built in the 18th century as the imperial stables for the Hapsburg Emperor, now the MQ is a hub for art and open-air summer enjoyment, with art crammed into every nook, cranny, and courtyard.
TONSPUR is the brainchild of Georg Weckwerth and Peter Szely, and features a permanent installation in a passage of the MQ, as well as mobile open-air 8-channel concert and installation events. For the MQ’s Summer of Sounds, I’ll be performing in the series TONSPUR_live_open_air_2014, featuring Canadian multi-channel works, guest curated by Darren Copeland of Toronto’s New Adventures in Sound Art.
Read about it HERE, in a little interview I did on the Summer of Sounds blog (German speakers only).
In preparation, I’m busy in the production studios of ORF Kunstradio (Austrian national public radio in Vienna) working on the new piece to be unveiled in live performances next weekend, 16-17. August here in the main courtyard of the MQ. It’s all still in development, so long days in the studio…. But I’m not being too much of a vampire about it, I still let a little light into my secret sonic lair…
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